Faith Formation
Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 4:00pm - 4:45pm and on Fridays at 8:00am or by appointment.
First time parents need to attend a Baptism class on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm in the rectory.
Couples should contact the Pastor for a pre-martial interview and preparation 1 year prior to the proposed date of the marriage. Couples should register in the parish at least 3 months prior to this interview. In the event of a previous marriage by either, 15 months notice should be given.
After the wedding date is set, music arrangements for the ceremony, including the cantor and music for the service are to be discussed and approved by the Music Director prior to finalizing any choices. All liturgical arrangements are to be discussed and approved by the pastor.
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is held on the first Thursday of each month at 8:30am Mass or by appointment.
Religious Education
Holy Redeemer offers Religious Education to any and all children of the parish for free! Classes begin in September. Whole Family Catechesis begins first Sunday of October
Religious Education Forms are mailed to current students. Registration forms will also be available at the Welcome Desk in the Church or the Parish Office. For more information, call 810-742-9460.
Preschool Religious Education (3, 4, and 5 year olds)
Preschool Religious Ed classes meet Sundays from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. in the school. Children begin to learn Catholic prayers, who God is and what he created. They come to know about Jesus and how much He loves them and cares for them. They experience the love of the Holy Spirit and how he is a part of their lives every day.
Elementary and Junior High Religious Education (1st through 8th grades)
Religious Ed classes take place on Sunday and Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30 in the Parish Large School located next to the Church. Students may come to either session. Second grade is preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Grades 3-6 use the Hands on Bible Curriculum that is active learning at its best. Children will learn bible verses as well as sacramental and Catholic Religious Life as a child of God. 7th and 8th grades Curriculum is Middle School Edge by Life Teen. This program includes prayer, scripture, ice breakers and a lesson that is centered on Scripture, Jesus, Social Justice, Prayer and so much more that is reflected in their lives as young people.
For more information about the Holy Redeemer Religious Education program, please contact Paul Schlegelmilch , Director of Religious Education, at (810) 742-9460.
Adult Faith Formation
Looking for an engaging way to learn about our wonderful Catholic Faith? Download this flyer for links to some great resources!
Small Groups: Looking for fellowship? Searching for friends in faith? Come and join a small group! Small groups are fellowship groups comprised of 6-10 people who seek to come to know Jesus personally, and come to learn what God’s will is for their lives. There are many different kinds of small groups: Content-based, and Spiritual-based. Topics range from Book Studies, to Bible Studies; Prayer Groups, to Reflection Groups, and many more. If you or someone you know wants or may need a small group, or is interested in facilitating a small group, please contact the ministry team and we will do all we can to support your faith journey. Brochure
Small Group Reflections: Want a weekly spiritual boost? Try doing a reflection on what you hear at Sunday Mass. Our ministry team is working hard to make every Mass an experience that will help engage your body, mind, and soul. Take time to read the Sunday readings, reflect on them, ask yourself, “What is God trying to tell me through His word?” and “What is God doing in my life this week?”Every week, we send out an e-mail, with a message based on the Sunday readings and homily. Come and try it out!
Read our weekly newsletter here
Please contact Emily Arthur at (810) 743-3050 for further information.
If you would like to receive this weekly email, please send a message to Emily Arthur at
Holy Redeemer Message:
Christ Renews His Parish
What is Christ Renews His Parish?
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) is a parish renewal process that emphasizes continued growth in Christian life and offers an excellent opportunity to meet other parishioners. It is an opportunity to say "yes" to a closer and deeper relationship with God. "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." James 4:8
What happens on the weekend?
The weekend enables you to hear and learn about God through the lives of other Catholics. It provides an atmosphere for individual spiritual growth through prayer and personal reflection. Sacraments are part of the weekend. On Saturday evening Reconciliation is offered. Mass is celebrated on Sunday.
Who attends?
CRHP is free of charge for parishioners, 18 and older, who are seeking spiritual renewal, desiring to grow closer to God, or searching for a deeper sense of purpose within the parish community.
Praying for guidance is important. If you feel that Christ, through the Holy Spirit, may be calling you, please come! The next Christ Renews His Parish weekends will be:
- Women's Fall retreat October 8 - 9. Men's to be announced soon.
RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
RCIA is a program for individuals who are interested in inquiring into the Catholic faith. It is intended for a wide variety of seekers – from those just interested in finding out what the Catholic Church believes without an intention to become Catholic, to those who are sure they would like to become Catholic, and everyone in between. It is also intended for individuals who were baptized Catholic but never received any other sacraments, such as First Communion or Confirmation. Currently, individuals who are already Catholic and have received First Communion but are only in need of Confirmation are also included in the class.
The RCIA begins in September and continues through Pentecost Sunday of the following year. There are four (4) periods comprising the RCIA process, beginning with an inquiry phase and progressing through to a commitment to receive the Sacraments. Individuals are free to progress through these stages or to wait and not continue at any point, if they so choose. Classes are held weekly on Sunday mornings following, and sometimes including, the 9:00 a.m. Mass.
We are still accepting new participants.
Download the RCIA readings and suggestions.
Please contact Emily Arthur at (810) 743-3050 for further information.
Lighthouse Catholic Media
The various media available are a tremendous help in deepening your understanding and love for our Catholic faith. ($5 suggested donation, all proceeds go to the church and to further this ministry. Make checks payable to Holy Redeemer Church.)
These help deepen your faith and help you answer Pope John Paul II's call for a New Evangelization by sharing them with love to your friends, family and co-workers.
Please look at the display for new subject matters.
Use the CD's to:
- Know your faith better / Share your faith better
- Mail to family, friends, previous co-workers, coaches, et.
- Build your library and give away later when there is a need.