Youth Ministry
You're Invited!
Weekly Activities:
Sunday Youth Mass: 5pm in the Church
Sunday Youth Group 6:15pm at the Underground
Wednesday Youth Group 6:15 at the Underground
Our weekly gatherings are a way for teens to gather together and continue their journey as disciples of Jesus Christ.
We also participate in service activities to build up the community including fundraisers for our Holy Redeemer Food Outreach, Right to Life events, Flint Service Projects, and our annual Passion Play.
Youth retreats, which we both participate and organize, are an engaging way we learn and experience our faith. Two big retreat events we participate in are “The Mission” retreat in February and the Steubenville Youth Conference in the summer. In addition, we plan and lead numerous confirmation-focused retreats for our own parish and surrounding parishes as well.
Come visit us in our state of the art youth center, The Underground, every week for food, discussion, and live worship music.
More Information!
Contact Daniel Schmit at 810-742-9466 or email